How do I approve a tipped employee?

Employees choose their location during the onboarding process in the Instant app. Once approved, the employee is ready to receive tips.

Admins with permission to confirm the identities of the employees and verify them in the Instant Back Office System will see them in the People page as Pending.

If you wish to review your pending employees:

  1. Login to Instant Back Office
  2. Select People > Pending.
  3. Review all of your Pending employees and how long they have been pending for. You can click on the employee profile to view more details for the person.  
    1. Click Verify to confirm that this employee is active at this location.
    2. Click Deny if this person does not work at this location. It may be that this person has accidentally added the job location if it has a similar name to their correct job location.

Admins can be opted into a Daily Pending Employees email. This email will allow you to manage employees who need approval after pending for 24 hours.