How do I get Manager or Admin Permissions?

Most organizations using Instant assign Admin permissions internally. 

For added security, one or more people at your organization will be able to control who has access to the Instant Back Office, by assigning users specific roles. Those roles are generally obtained by your company's Head Office Admin. 

If you reach out to Instant Support with a roles request and we cannot assign it, we will direct you back to your organization. 


All payments made through the Instant Back Office app are securely timestamped with the time, date, and name of the transaction. To ensure maximum security, each Manager is required to have their own personal Instant account with a unique email username and login credentials. It is important to never save your username or password to the browser and to refrain from sharing your credentials with anyone else. As the Manager, you are responsible for maintaining the security of your account. If you suspect that your credentials have been compromised, please change your password immediately using the "Forgot Password" link provided during login. Avoid creating a second, false account as this may cause interference with your permissions and assigned roles.


This video will help your Head Office Admin assign a permission for you:



Note: Some Instant Customers assign Manager permissions themselves, some Customers direct their Managers to contact Instant Manager Support to have permissions and Roles assigned. If you are unsure of which process you need to follow, please contact your organization's Instant Sponsor or Admin. 

If you need help assigning permissions, please get in touch with Manager Support at Instant to discuss your current level of access and CC your Instant Sponsor or Admin for verification and visibility.