How do I process Instant Tips Payments?

Welcome to Instant Tips - the easiest and most efficient way to deliver tips payments to your employees!

Please follow these steps to send funds in a flash:

  • Log in to
  • Ensure that the location(s) you would like to process tips for have been selected 
  • Click the icon in the top left corner that either says your location name or ‘Multiple Locations’ and ensure the correct locations are selected 
    • Once this has been confirmed, select ‘Payments’ tab on the left side of the screen 
    • Select the ‘Tips’ icon 
    • You will be prompted to select the date you would like the tip payments allocated to. Please ensure you have selected the correct date.
      • If it is 12am - 3 am, the date will default to the previous day to make it easy for tip managers closing up late
      • If it is after 3 am the following day it will default to the current date 
  • Please ensure that you have the filter selected for ‘All’ or ‘Active’ employees 
    • All employees will include employees who have been removed from the program as well as active employees - for paying out tips to terminated employees 
    • Active employees will only include employees that are currently active on the program 
  • Two prompts will show up - one for uploading a file and the other to manually enter tips. Please select ‘Manually Enter’ (orange button)
  • Enter in the amounts for employees needing to be tipped 
    • You can search for their names in the search bar at the top if there are too many employees to scroll through 
  • Press Continue (Tips) at the bottom-right of the screen when all tips have been entered, it will ask you to confirm the total amount of tips being paid out and the amount of employees 
    • Press continue to continue to process or back to fix the tip out amounts 
  • Tips have been processed and a green success bar will show up next to the tip amount if it went through. If any have failed, you will be notified as well - these payments can immediately be retried. If you are still unable to retry these payments, please contact our support team immediately for assistance.