What should I do with error messages on the Transaction History page?



If a payment has a “Failed” status, select the transaction and click the “Retry” button. If the status does not change after retrying, chat with Instant Support at www.instant.co/chat or email mgrsupport@instant.co.


If a payment has a “Failed-Retrying” status, it means the Instant system is attempting to retry that payment.  Payments will eventually be successfully processed or remain in a failed status.

No Card

This means the employee you are trying to pay did not connect a card to their account. When they activate a card, the status will change to “Retry”. Select the transaction and click the “Retry” button. DO NOT create a second payment for the employee. This could result in a duplicate payment.

FAQ - How employees can connect a new card

Card Error:

If a transaction has the “Card Error” status, there is a problem with the employee’s card you are trying to pay. It may be blocked or there was an issue when it was initially registered. Have the employee use the chat feature in the Help screen of the Instant app or call the number on the back of the card.