Make sure your card is active and you have a balance or it won't pair to your phone's wallet.
Your Instant Card must have a positive balance and be active in order for it to successfully add to your phone's wallet.
To check your balance see this FAQ - How do I check my balance?
And to check if your card is active see this FAQ - How do I know my card is activated?
If your card is active and you have a balance, but your smartphone still won't let you add your Instant Card double check the following
- Your phone is up to date
- Your internet or data connection is strong
- You have entered in all the correct data (card number, expiration date etc)
- Try exiting the app, restarting your phone and trying again. It could be a temporary issue with the wallet itself
- If you get a specific error message screenshot it and reach out to Instant Support to help troubleshoot